I was part of the CIID Costa Rica Summer School 2018 by participating on the workshop: Designing Interactive Spaces.
This was the brief for the final project:


Imagine we are using the space of the Omar Dengo Foundation to host a temporary exhibit that highlights the relationship between San Jose and the rest of Costa Rica with the goal of helping bridge the city and nature. Over the next week we will transform the space using techniques from the course to create interactive installations.  On Friday, the exhibit will open.

We will work in groups of 3-5 work through the process from concept to delivery of the idea. In this exhibit we are looking to create interactive spaces that create experiences that not only tell visitors about nature but allow them to feel aspects of the natural world. We are using Omar Dengo Foundation because we are expecting you to create an interactive prototype of your exhibit at full scale.

Faculty: Joshua Walton & James Tichenor
And after several iterations of brainstorming (including one session of bodystorming) we ended up with the following:

Biophilic Landscape | Interactive Stained Glass Prototype

It's an interactive installation that simulates a stained glass composition. It allows the user to change the content/aspect of it by touching specific sections of the surface and creating different compositions from 3 different states of each section (Forest, City and Blended). So the user can decide how much of forest wants to see in the city, or how much of city wants to see in the forest.

* The city is a picture from San José and the forest is a picture from La Fortuna San Carlos, Costa Rica.
Working group:
Camila Garro
Diego Esquivel
Felipe Apéstegui
Greddy León
Natalia Alfaro
Biophilic Landscape

Biophilic Landscape

Final project for the workshop "Design Interactive Spaces"
